Receptive vs Prescriptive


Massage therapy can benefit much by shifting from prescriptive approaches focused on fixing specific issues to a more receptive and explorative mindset. This transition reflects a deeper understanding of the therapeutic process and the complex interplay between the therapist, the client, and the healing potential of touch.

  1. . Moving Beyond Prescriptive Approaches:

    Drawing from Robert Schleip's insights, it becomes evident that the perceived connection between therapist and client, along with the client’s expectations and trust, are pivotal factors in determining the efficacy of massage therapy. By embracing receptivity, curiosity, and reverence for the body's innate wisdom, therapists can unlock the true healing power of therapeutic touch.

    Traditionally, massage therapy has often been approached from a prescriptive standpoint, where therapists focus on identifying and addressing specific muscular imbalances or pain points. While this approach can yield tangible results, it may overlook the deeper nuances of the client's experience and fail to honor the body's inherent wisdom.

    Instead of viewing the body as a problem to solve, therapists increasingly recognize the importance of adopting a receptive and explorative mindset. Rather than imposing predetermined techniques or agendas, they approach each session with curiosity and openness, allowing the body to guide the therapeutic process.

  2. The Power of Connection and Trust:

    Robert Schleip emphasizes the significance of the perceived connection between therapist and client and the client's expectations and trust in their therapist. These factors can profoundly influence the outcome of a massage therapy session, sometimes even more so than the specific techniques employed.

    When clients feel seen, heard, and valued by their therapist, they are more likely to relax, trust the process, and experience deeper levels of healing. Conversely, a lack of connection or trust can hinder the therapeutic rapport and limit the effectiveness of the treatment.

  3. Cultivating Receptivity and Curiosity:

    In embracing a more receptive approach to massage therapy, therapists cultivate a sense of curiosity and reverence for what-is. Rather than imposing their agenda onto the body, they listen attentively to its subtle cues and respond with sensitivity and intuition.

    This explorative mindset allows therapists to tap into the body's innate intelligence and facilitate its natural healing mechanisms. By creating a safe and supportive environment for exploration and self-discovery, therapists empower clients to connect more deeply with their bodies and unlock their potential for healing and transformation.

  4. The True Healing Power of Touch:

    Ultimately, the real reason therapeutic touch is effective lies not solely in applying specific techniques but in the quality of presence, connection, and receptivity that therapists bring to their practice. When therapists approach massage therapy with humility, curiosity, and reverence for the body's wisdom, they create profound healing conditions.

    In embracing a more receptive approach, therapists honor the uniqueness of each client's journey and trust in the body's innate capacity to heal itself. By cultivating deep connections, fostering trust, and remaining open to what arises, therapists can unleash the full potential of therapeutic touch and facilitate transformative healing experiences for their clients.

  5. In brief:

    As the field of massage therapy continues to evolve, there should be a growing recognition of the importance of receptivity, curiosity, and connection in facilitating healing and transformation. By moving away from prescriptive approaches and embracing a more explorative mindset, therapists can tap into the true healing power of touch and create profound and lasting change in the lives of their clients.

    Let us honor the wisdom of the body, cultivate deep connections, and embrace the transformative potential of receptive massage therapy.

Fernando Rojas LMT PhD