Somatic Mindfulness - Principles

Somatic Mindfulness - Principles


August 9, 2024 class is full!
See next class details below.


Dive deep into the essentials that blend somatics with the art of touch therapy.

3CE remote workshop seamlessly bridging somatics and touch.

Join us on Zoom Friday, December 6, 2024.
9:00 am-12:00 pm EST

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This dynamic 3CE NCBTMB-approved (including NY) remote workshop empowers therapists with the knowledge and skills to create profound connections and transformative client experiences.

Uncover the power of the body's innate wisdom and the art of somatic hands-on touch techniques. Acquire practical strategies to seamlessly incorporate the principles into your therapeutic approach, opening up a new world of healing possibilities.

Please note that the class includes an experiential component designed to deepen your understanding of the concepts. It is essential to participate with a massage table and a body. Ideally, this should be another therapist, preferably one who is also attending the class.

By taking this class, you will gain access to a dedicated Facebook group and also to periodic free review meetings held remotely.

Investment is $89 for 3 CEs.